Serving Franklin, Jefferson and St. Louis Counties since 1972
Admin Hours 7am-3pm Monday-Friday
Pacific Fire Dept. 1912-1972
The Pacific Fire Protection District can trace its roots back to Pacific Volunteer Fire Department and the Robertsville Volunteer Fire Department. The following information is the current known history of the Pacific Volunteer Fire Department. The PVFD was established July 15, 1912 by a group of pacific citizens. The Fire Chief during the volunteer years was voted into office by the fireman by popular vote. The chief would then appoint officers and organize the department as he saw fit. The firefighters during this time period were assigned to specific hose company's, plugs(Hydrants), and Hook/Ladder Companys. The Department Divided the city into four sections and a whistle at Koppits Smith Mill Co. located off South Columbus St provided the fire alarm to alert the men. Depending on which section the fire was in, the whistle would sound off a certain number of times so the firemen knew where to respond. The hose carts and ladder wagon were stored at C.F. Mayle Motor Co. (now Protech off Union and First). Schuhart, one of the firemen owned an ice business and volunteered his horses to pull the carts whenever they were needed. In 1918 Pacific bought its first motorized fire truck. It was a Republic Northern Model 11 Chemical/hose truck. As the department and town grew, the firefighters wished to extend their service to cover outside the city limits. In the early 1930's pacific fire trucks still only responded to calls inside city limits because the trucks were bought with the residents' donations. This left residents in rural areas surrounding the city with little to no fire service. The volunteers put together several fund raisers and purchased a 1936 dodge truck and outfitted it to run as a firetruck for use outside city limits. Residents would purchase fire tags to pay for the fire service offered by the PVFD. This trend of city purchasing fire trucks for only city limits and the Fire Dept purchasing Firetrucks to be used in the surrounding areas continued until the early 1970's. By 1945 PVFD members gathered enough funds from fundraisers to buy land (old Leber Park) at 2nd and union st to build a firehouse. This new firehouse would be added onto and used until 1999 when it was replaced by the current fire house at 910 W Osage. Below are historical pictures and Missouri Transcript newspaper clippings saved by firefighters over the years. Special thanks to Ken Labit for Building the scrapbook in 1974 that most of these pictures and information comes from.